Friday, 25 June 2010

Miss Southend On Sea 2010

I was asked to be the official photographer for Miss Southend On Sea 2010, being held at rendesvous casino.
The night consisted of 3 rounds, a club wear round, an eco friendly round and the formal wear.

The night started at 7pm and ended at around midnight. With celebrity Judges: Nicky Alan from living tv, Matt Mackay and Alex from Heartfm.

The winner of Miss Southend On Sea 2010 was Miss Pascal Craymer.

I have included a few images fromt he night, and even made it into the local paper ( Evening Echo)

Monday, 21 June 2010


Welcome all.

My 1st blog got riddled with spam and I decided to close it, so im going to try this one and see how far I can get here.

Please watch this space for upcoming images with a short story behind each set of images.